On a spiritual level the Bible portrays God as being far less even handed, with the good being granted salvation and the wicked punishment.
Through the prophets' influence, Jewish mythology increasingly portrayed God as aloof from nature and acting independently of natural forces.
For quite a while I have put aside our quantum model because I wanted to portray God from a more human, personal standpoint.
Thus, Kant portrays God as a moral trinity: holy lawgiver, good governor, and just judge.
The reason Jews have an injunction against portraying God is that Neanderthals cannot draw.
In 2002, she portrayed God in Jack's imagined version of Heaven.
Psalm 23 portrays God as a good shepherd, feeding (verse 1) and leading (verse 3) his flock.
To the Nistarim, it was also superficial and portrayed God in a way that appeared oppressive, rather than the true source of Goodness.
In his works, he portrays God as educating humanity from its childhood through its youth and then on to adulthood.
Some comparatively new belief systems and books portray God as extraterrestrial life.