Matthew's point, of course, was to portray Jesus as the savior of all.
In many cases the person portraying Jesus is first subjected to flagellation and wears a crown of thorns.
Not that portraying Jesus as a movie idol is anything new.
He noted that the photo is intended to portray Jesus as a "regular guy" who deals with struggles similar to those of people crossing borders.
The miracle portrays Jesus as being unwilling to help a Gentile but does so because of the great faith shown by the woman.
Luke, especially, portrays Jesus as the perfect man, who set the perfect pattern of human life.
Luke portrays Jesus as impassive in the face of his crucifixion.
This is the only extant ancient text which explicitly portrays Jesus as referring to a wife.
Marchiano portrays Jesus as a joyous, earthy, personal man with a sense of humour.
Ancient remains include two Roman columns from the first church, and a 10th-century relief portraying Jesus.