With every passing day, they have ratcheted up the oratory, hoping to portray Republicans as ineffective once again, this time on the things voters really care about.
They also intended to portray Republicans as a moderates who embraced civil rights.
He portrayed Republicans as reactionary extremists who have been effective at winning elections but not running the country.
Democrats relentlessly portrayed Republicans as cruel, inhumane and immoral, saying they would throw children into the streets to finance tax cuts for wealthy people.
But Democrats, who love to portray Republicans as leaders of a "do-nothing" Congress, will not make it easy for them.
Democrats left no doubt that they would use the issue in the fall campaigns and portray Republicans as tools of the tobacco industry.
President Clinton's political strategy this year is to position himself as the voice of moderation and to portray Republicans as unreasonable partisan zealots.
Democrats were also preparing to turn any special session into a vehicle for portraying Republicans as elitists who casually trample the popular vote.
The episode also portrays Republicans as willing to break the law in order to achieve this; in this case, Bob commits electoral fraud.
The labor ads portrayed Republicans as savaging Medicare but failed to mention the need to balance the budget or cut taxes.