Fetchit was the stage name of an early 20th century actor who portrayed blacks as shiftless and simple-minded.
Some blacks have criticized Jewish movie producers for portraying blacks in a racist manner.
No one would deny that for years Hollywood portrayed blacks as comical, stupid and subhuman.
Some of her pieces portray blacks in a positive light, but others portray them negatively.
And we knew how popular culture portrayed blacks during slavery.
Like Gertrude Stein, she wants to portray blacks as complex characters in their own right rather than projections of white fears and fantasies.
They were the first to portray blacks as doctors, lawyers and other professionals.
They portrayed blacks as lazy and degenerates and were always quick to make jokes and cartoons about them.
Political activist and one-time presidential candidate Jesse Jackson said in 1985 that the news media portray blacks as less intelligent than we are.
Television shows and toys have portrayed blacks in racist stereotypes.