Earlier Darwinian thinkers, we learn, underestimated beneficial interactions between species, portraying evolution as a competitive struggle of all against all.
Uncritical commentaries often portray evolution as a March of Progress (illustration), leading towards bigger, faster, and smarter organisms.
And to the resistance of science educators over portraying evolution as controversial or disputed, Johnson said:
The Teach the Controversy campaign portrays evolution as "a theory in crisis."
The reason: they accurately portray evolution as a cornerstone of modern biology.
The Discovery Institute portrays evolution as a "theory in crisis" with scientists criticizing evolution and that "fairness" and "equal time" requires educating students about "the controversy."
It portrayed evolution as generating "much continuing controversy" and being not widely accepted, using the Discovery Institute's Teach The Controversy method.
His photographs have portrayed the history and evolution of the land from vast agricultural patterns to city grids, recording changes brought about by human intervention and natural processes.
Teach the Controversy proponents portray evolution as a "theory in crisis."