He tried to portray his decision as one with immense popular support.
The State Department portrayed Georgia's decision as extremely unusual and praiseworthy.
But he left that out as he spun through his stump speech, portraying his decision to continue in the general election as a virtue.
Opponents of the incinerator portrayed the city's decision to postpone construction of the plant as a victory.
They portrayed their decision as an industrywide warning to the booming but loosely regulated market in high-cost loans.
Lawyers on both sides portrayed the judge's decision as a victory.
Mr. Greenwald, who is 54, portrayed his decision to leave Chrysler as a difficult one.
Mr. Gephardt portrayed his decision not to seek re-election as one that would benefit both him and his Democratic caucus.
In his news conference this afternoon, Mr. Cuomo portrayed his decision as a straightforward one.
Politicians and newspapers went into action, portraying the government's "unpatriotic" decision to hand the contract to a "foreign" company as a "scandal".