She posed dramatically against a wall on Cortlandt Street after getting a glimpse of the players passing by.
Craig tried to stop him, but the old man went up the steel ladder with the agility of a vervet monkey, and posed dramatically in the hatchway, like the "commander of a panzer division.
When she is shown posing dramatically in front of her dead husband's open coffin, it's clear that her show business canniness never deserts her.
Father Harrigan posed dramatically on the top of the plane steps.
The new Death stopped, posing dramatically in the glow from the forge.
Mrs. Madrigal was posing dramatically under the archway.
- may have inspired a viewer or two to speculate on how much the dramatically posed Brokaw-Pauley-Gumbel-Couric & Company was pulling down.
Eighteen panels make up the image, which depicts life-sized, classically dressed figures dramatically posed in stopped action as they move through a landscape filled with violets, irises and columbine.
Cutwood, swathed to the top of his pink bald head in flannel rags and quilting, posed dramatically in the doorway, one stubby arm flung out, pointing astern.
Elspeth asked, posing dramatically.