In chapters 2 and 3 he is in a fetal position, followed by him assuming the pose of the crucified Jesus Christ in chapter 4.
This is the position followed by many kashrut-observant Jews today.
This move sees a wrestler jump forward from an elevated position followed by executing a backflip in mid-air.
Participants in the experimental condition were given an initial eye position, followed by a saccade target position on the picture.
The Bouyei script recognizes 32 consonants, with names formed by the consonant in an initial position followed by a long "a" vowel.
An awkward clearing of throat and shifting of position, followed by: "Caitlin, dear, hello.
The Reichsarmy withdrew from their positions followed by the remainder of Campitelli's troops.
The chiefs occupy the highest positions, followed by the priests, who wield considerable influence over all ranks.
He gave White Side the status of a separate fell, a position followed by other guidebook writers.
However, the position followed by the Commission in this file shall not be considered as a precedent.