Knoblauch's value to the Yankees' attack has been negligible, particularly because he has mostly started in left field, typically a position manned by good offensive players.
The 16th Panzer Division recorded that "right until afternoon we had to fight 'shot for shot' against 37 anti-aircraft positions manned by tenacious fighting women, until all were destroyed".
However 'B' Company and the Machine Gun Platoon landed in the wrong place and came under fire from defensive positions manned by German parachutists.
The Pakistani military claimed that the attack, in the early hours of Saturday morning, was a deliberate assault on a well-known position manned by regular troops, calling the incident "unprovoked" and an "irresponsible act".
The dead crew member was serving at the waist-gunner position normally manned by Udall; by chance, the Pilot assigned Udall to the nose gun for this mission, saving his life.
During the deployment, the police reported, a soldier came under fire from a position manned by some of the estimated 6,000 Palestinian guerrillas active in the area.
The Pakistani military alleged that the attack 1.5 miles inside Pakistani territory in the early hours of Saturday was deliberate, as it was a well-known position manned by regular troops.
As Ward's line along Houck's Ridge continued to collapse, the position manned by the 40th became increasingly untenable.
An aide at the United Nations Interim Force said that shells had struck a position manned by the Nepalese battalion, but that no one had been hurt.
Alexander arrived on the evening of the 16th to find a well prepared defensive position manned by 9 battalions, plus some 2000 volunteers and 32 guns, commanded by Major Guchev.