After a tense deliberation the position of Leiva prevailed.
But, on all spiritual and moral questions the Pope has asserted that an absolutist position should prevail even in a pluralist society.
But baseball's position prevailed and it approved the transfer of shares.
This position may prevail in the administration, although more moderate officials would prefer to see Washington simply renounce its own signature of the treaty.
If the court were to take up the two cases on appeal, it is far from clear that the Justice Department's new position would prevail.
If the administration's position prevails, we can expect to see many more cases like it.
But if the Democratic-led Assembly's position prevails, the city's savings would be even less.
That position prevailed even before the recent bloody events that took place in the Palestinian territory.
I think that nobody likes to go through that and have your position not prevail.
TDU's position against government trusteeship and for the right to vote had prevailed.