He is sick of television critics like Bill Walton saying the Sonics don't play good enough positional defense to win the title.
"Kasparov, on the other hand, demonstrated the correct positional defense he needed."
Rebel forces also made extensive use of machine guns for ambush and positional defense.
He played a quiet positional defense but created an unclear situation where great deeds could be planned.
He wanted them to be able to maneuver against an enemy force while the younger women, who were trained in positional defense, held the homes.
The good news is some of us are going to be training in 'positional defense' here in the area.
And they're mostly trained in positional defense.
The female Keldara were going to be their heavy weapons support, not to mention positional defense.
Accelerate the militia weapons training; they need to be able to do positional defense as soon as possible.
Robinson has refocused Stevens's attention "on doing the things that you do well," such as checking and positional defense.