Are there other factors that can create a negative or positive buoyancy in humans?
This is not always possible, and in those cases an alternative method of providing positive buoyancy should be used.
Dynamic dive models also have the advantage of being able to return to the surface if radio contact is lost, due to their positive buoyancy.
They also adjusted the bomb to have a slightly positive buoyancy, which was found to be advantageous.
Without way on, the only means of lifting the boat was positive buoyancy.
The target lost all positive buoyancy, and soon fell through her crush depth.
With her slight positive buoyancy, the October was drifting upward a few feet per minute despite the plane setting.
They fed the air in gradually to build up positive buoyancy.
Under positive buoyancy, the lifeboat and its single passenger rose rapidly.
Then, according to the specs, the positive buoyancy will float the tier to the surface.