There seems to be a lot of open- ended or positive dialogue.
At the same time, the trust helps develop their capacity, skills and commitment to initiate similar positive dialogue with others
Awtrey said that a positive dialogue with the players would continue regarding those subjects.
It was a way to produce positive dialogue between students and authority figures.
He offers nothing in the way of meaningful, positive dialogue that is geared toward finding common ground and solutions.
"Oh, I think they are achieving a lot of positive dialogue," counters his wife, who visits the camp each week to donate food.
"There is no stronger proof than this visit that things have changed and that we have started a positive dialogue."
We will enter into a constructive and positive dialogue in order to deal with the relevant matters.
Today's resolution is a genuinely constructive signal for positive dialogue with Turkey.
But both of our countries accept that the best way to address those problems is through positive and regular dialogue.