The mission statement calls for positive engagement with those who seek "a lasting and just peace between Israel and its neighbours".
Nothing can make any man so but his actually entering into it by positive engagement and express promise and compact.
"Everyone said that was a really good example of the benefits of positive engagement," says Gibson.
Here, then, was everything to keep me up, sympathy, help, and now a positive engagement.
To help develop a network of individuals and organizations willing to work together on promoting a positive engagement with EU membership.
We should have a constructive, positive engagement with Russia, trying to make it a win-win situation, namely on the energy issue.
Sweden's positive engagement in this field has made us known as one of the world's most equal countries.
(Applause from the left) We have actively pursued human rights through positive engagement with those concerned.
Pardon me the repetition, madame; but a positive and solemn engagement becomes absolutely necessary.
The reality is that we now see constructive and positive engagement by local communities, supported by a range of agencies.