It features different news from that focuses on the positive events in the country.
No substantial progress was reported, although Soviet officials characterized the meeting as a "positive event."
"While things are slowing down now a little bit, it was really a very positive event for the industry."
Red represents a positive seismic event - blue is negative.
"But the biggest positive event for this is the favorable response to the reforms of major companies."
They also believe good things happen for reasons that are permanent, rather than seeing the transient nature of positive events.
In that sense, she said, the ruling "is a very positive event."
They found that bad events had a greater impact psychologically on a person than positive events.
Even positive events, such as getting married or beginning a new job, can be stressful and may lead to an episode of major depression.
Here's how the Israeli press is reacting to today's mildly positive events.