The song is well known for its main guitar riff, positive lyrics and overall heavy aggressive sound.
The album features more positive and uplifting lyrics in comparison with Green Day's earlier work.
Much of traditional Christian pop is intended to give teenagers positive lyrics and role models packaged to look like current musical stars.
And voters will respond to the positive lyric about female empowerment.
They were known for their positive lyrics and energetic live shows.
Becky says that she loves performing the upbeat, twangy country song with John because of how much fun it is and its overwhelmingly positive lyrics.
This along with positive lyrics helps contribute to the overall powerful and emotional sound of Eurodance.
Now they play for everybody who likes resistant but positive and politically correct lyrics.
All three albums focused upon positive lyrics backed by pop-friendly instrumental tracks.
The song has positive lyrics, and is about the Lightbody's love for Belfast.