The Crown has a positive obligation to prosecute murderers.
The right should be broader and should create a "positive obligation on the state to extend protective legislation to unprotected groups."
He also rejected that the benefit and burden principle could be taken to its logical conclusion to enforce the carrying out of independent positive obligations.
All terms are susceptible to breach; in other words, both positive and negative obligations can be breached.
There are two requirements for ordinary breach where the debtor has a positive obligation:
For this reason, in ethics positive obligations are almost never considered prima facie.
Some may even consider that the company has positive obligations to secure the well-being of employees, the local community, or other non-shareholder groups.
I leave open the possibility that a positive obligation to sustain life, liberty, or security of the person may be made out in special circumstances.
Some social anarchists argue that capitalist ethics do not entail any positive moral obligation to help others in need.
Accordingly, one has no positive obligation to have children.