Tsutomu suffers from a bit of a low self-esteem problem, and sometimes has to use positive self-talk to stay focused.
Engage in positive self-talk instead of being negative or critical of yourself.
Among them were mental toughness, confidence, maintaining a positive attitude, dealing with failure, expectations, and positive self-talk.
Don't beat yourself up about your weight or about slip-ups; instead, engage in positive self-talk.
Tools range from relaxation skills and positive self-talk to anger management and other common self-help strategies.
It is important to identify negative self-talk and develop healthy, positive self-talk.
"I think self-doubt, positive self-talk, all those things we try and work on, it's not so much we forget how to do stuff," he said.
(If this is a struggle of your own, stick to positive self-talk, especially around kids and teens.)
Engage in positive self-talk (statements that reaffirm positive qualities).
When you start feeling angry, try deep breathing, positive self-talk, or stopping your angry thoughts.