Many vessels show positive endothelial staining, including some with the morphology of high endothelial venules (arrowed).
When virions are coated with stain (positive staining), fine detail is obscured.
Only synovial tissue from RA patients demonstrated positive staining for Tie2 on lymphocytes.
Similar treatment abolished positive staining using sera from patients with Wegener's granulomatosis.
This contrasts with 'positive staining', in which the actual specimen is stained.
However, positive staining of ERα in the cytoplasm can also be seen [ 31 32 33 ] .
PAS staining also varies from negative to focal or granular positivity, to strongly positive staining.
Glutaraldehyde is not recommended because free aldehyde groups may be available to react with the Schiff reagent, which may result in false positive staining.
In addition, mast cells in normal colon, adenoma, or carcinoma samples consistently showed strong positive staining for cytochrome P450 3A.
Endothelial cells showed relatively high Tie2 positive staining in all disease groups (RA 71%, OA 66%, normal 49%).