And it goes to the heart of why the King holiday has evolved into a powerful and positive American symbol.
"Still, hearts on hands are usually a very positive symbol, and it might just be a neighborhood person's secret message to a loved one."
"Brazil is going through a economic and moral crisis, and with Senna we had a positive symbol."
But to men who went to sea and lived much of the time on salt pork, the pig was a positive symbol.
And be a positive symbol to our entire community.
The color red has always been a positive symbol in the Russian culture.
Historically, the lion has been a positive symbol of nobility, bravery and royalty.
This morning's meeting was a wonderful and very positive symbol.
In Chinese painting, a lotus on its upright stem is a positive symbol of perfection.
He believes that for years, Iraq stood as both a positive and malevolent symbol to others in the Middle East.