He is positively linked to four reported rapes and around 30 other sexual assaults.
The .25-caliber gun also has been positively linked to the killing in Brooklyn, the police said.
Bones recovered in 2012 from an abandoned well have been positively linked to the killings.
Alpha-linolenic acid from dairy and meat sources has been positively linked with prostate cancer.
Two of the cases have been positively linked, and the police say they believe most if not all are related.
The options are linked with criteria positively or negatively and these links are defined as assessments.
Popularity is positively linked to job satisfaction, individual job performance, and group performance.
Yet, overall, religion is positively linked with mental health.
In all three tests, subjects' ratings of their ability were positively linked to their actual scores.
Desert and city were negatively linked in the earlier poetry; they are positively linked in the play.