His large gorilla body possesses strength, agility, dexterity, and endurance.
As a result of her exposure to the Morituri process, she also possessed enhanced strength and agility.
It can also be trained as a police dog and possesses great physical strength and incredible agility.
He possesses great agility for a man of his size.
It possesses remarkable agility, and is a favorite object of chase.
But she possessed agility and used it easily, countering his skill.
Kate possesses unparalleled strength, speed, agility, and endurance, among other things.
He is best for linking attacks together and possesses great agility to setup combos.
At 6-5 1/2, he possesses superb agility, positioning and range.
She is very athletic, possessing great stamina, reflexes, and agility beyond that of humans.