Because of this, it is increasingly difficult for a single firm to possess the necessary resources or capabilities to conduct their own effective R&D efforts.
They possess capabilities that we have no understanding of- they created a stable wormhole!
We possess no further information, no extra records, nothing on the nature or capabilities of the Terror that you do not already have.
Of all the nations in the world that possess nuclear capabilities, the United States is the only country ever to have used them.
So it didn't take long for him to recognize that the 1998-99 Blue Devils possessed exceptional capabilities.
Unless they possess technological capabilities we have not observed- which is possible.
He clearly possesses unique capabilities that have been developed to the fullest.
In both forms he possesses human-level intelligence and analytical capabilities.
Each of us will possess the knowledge and capabilities of both.
I certainly could see that they possessed medical capabilities altogether different from ours.