Somewhere, sometime, the Minwanabi had patronized an architect and an artist who had possessed uncommon genius.
But Franklin possessed a quick wit and quiet dignity and genius that affected the vampire unlike any other human before him.
Yd of all of them I think that he is the nearest to possessing genius.
One who possesses both money and genius.
For the hypothesis, as we said, it is necessary to show that Bacon possessed poetic genius.
After allowing that the inhabitants of this city possess activity, genius, and courage, we have nothing further to say in their praise.
Some people without possessing genius have a remarkable power of stimulating it.
A child does not possess genius at birth: genius is learned.
The course is one which could only be justified by the absolute certainty of possessing genius.
Sarah Austin did not possess genius, but all she wrote is marked by nice discrimination and the touch of the true literary artist.