Much better than discretion; though you possess that quality also in an eminent degree.
And it was possessed in a far more terrifying degree by the death spiders.
You are aware that I possess in rather a remarkable degree what we have agreed to call the mesmeric power.
She possessed in a large degree the power of fascination in which all her family were remarkable.
The Prince possessed, in a supreme degree, the art of making happy the creditors the most to be pitied.
"Because my brother Mycroft possesses it in a larger degree than I do."
This art is possessed by Plato in a degree which has never been equalled.
This bird is about the size of the starling, whose habits its possesses in a great degree.
Her face, though somewhat wan and incomplete, possessed the raw materials of beauty in a promising degree.
Both of us possessed it, but Lothar in a much greater degree than myself; perhaps because from the beginning he used to practise on me.