Following the discovery of the first homoaromatic compounds, research has gone into synthesizing new homoaromatic compounds that possess similar stability to their aromatic parent compounds.
Through Shechtman's discovery, several other groups were able to form similar quasicrystals, finding these materials to have low thermal and electrical conductivity, while possessing high structural stability.
Indeed, his calligraphy possesses stability and elegance in construction with a continuous flow of energy.
Darwin surmised that such variation developed out of common ancestry, an idea that would, he said, "undermine the stability of Species," challenging the notion that species possessed eternal stability.
Both thermal and chemical denaturation confirm that, all redesigned proteins, in agreement with the calculations, possess increased stability.
The likely intermediates in the reactions, [(propargylium)Co(CO)] cation 3, possessed considerable stability.
PFOA is an ideal surfactant because it can lower the surface tension of water more than hydrocarbon surfactants while possessing exceptional stability due to the presence of multiple carbon-fluorine bonds.
In doing this, we should work for good relations with Russia, and recognise that it can be a factor for stability only if we accept that it, too, possesses territorial stability.
In each case, the rhodocenium cation was found to possess high stability.
Yet despite this, they possess a cultural unity and stability that defies humanity.