Sörgel was convinced that to remain competitive with the Americas and an emerging Oriental "Pan-Asia", Europe must become self-sufficient, and this meant possessing territories in all climate zones.
The Venetians responded that they were already in a difficult situation due to the Ottoman threat in Dalmatia and the Aegean where they possessed territories.
We possess similar territories inside many of our member states and globally we are considered a sovereign power, you understand?
That the Taghlaqs were undisputed overlords of this territory cannot be established since Harihara, first king of the Vijayanagara Empire, is supposed to have possessed territories as far north as Kaladgi in 1340 and because a fort was built under permission from Harihara in Badami during that period.
The Magyar clans must have been organized based on the real or fictitious kinship of their members; each of them had its own name (that may have been changing from time to time) and the clans possessed separate territories within the lands occupied by the tribe they were linked to.
From the years 1372-1495, no charters of the family exist and it is impossible to know for certain exactly what territories it possessed.
They also temporarily possessed Dutch territories during the Napoleonic Wars and the Spanish areas in the Seven Years War, In 1819 Stamford Raffles established Singapore as a key trading post for Britain in their rivalry with the Dutch.
We possess vast territories; vast manpower, vast natural resources.' '
This can be assumed to have resulted from the fact that the noble family Inguanez possessed vast territories of land in that zone.
If anything, his subject of East-West misunderstanding has grown richer, and he now possesses vast new territories to mine.