She turned away possessive lovers coldly; she preferred that her house be full of people at all hours.
Vivian's possessive lover Danilo located them.
And he plots an escape from Warsaw with Theresa, a psychic medium, who wants to leave her possessive lover.
The hostess for the evening, the bisexual Georgina, is pestered by her possessive live-in lover Chris who declines to join the party, staying in her bedroom.
But their unity dissolved as Mr. Rangel became an increasingly possessive, and even abusive, lover while Ms. Williams pulled rebelliously away.
You have unwittingly entered into an impassioned affair with a possessive lover.
Patrick's love of the ladies often backfires, and the series frequently features story lines about his possessive lovers and ex-lovers.
To work for Papp was not, it seems, so unlike being with a very possessive lover.
It deals with his attempts to rescue Bess from the clutches of Crown, her violent and possessive lover, and Sportin' Life, the drug dealer.
The results feel like snapshots, possibly but not necessarily homoerotic in tone, taken by a possessive lover as a kind of proprietary act of control.