Nelson was attracted by the possibilities afforded by the opening frontier, especially the prospect of the railroad.
The writer's personal experience of the possibilities afforded by this mode of communication, yet in its infancy, will be given.
A principal catalyst for the switch: the cross-promotional possibilities afforded by those five stations and a television station owned by the same company.
A Turing machine therefore sets the practical "upper bound" on computational power, apart from the possibilities afforded by hypothetical hypercomputers.
The strategic effects are due to the possibilities, afforded by communication technology, to selectively communicate or enact particular aspects of identity, and disguise others.
Whilst respecting the historic traditions of the craft, Lee was also interested in the new possibilities afforded by improvements in adhesives.
But such acceptance of the possibilities afforded by modern political institutions was opportunist; Pius remained implacably opposed to the assumptions of liberal bourgeois civilization.
But though state officials are exuberant about the possibilities afforded by the new transportation act, some local officials are less than optimistic.
We want SMEs to really buy into e-commerce, into the new possibilities afforded to them by enhanced electronic communications.
Many industrialists know nothing whatsoever about the EEIGs, let alone about the possibilities afforded by such an instrument.