The corn, called StarLink, which contains a possible human allergen, had not been approved for human consumption.
In 1952 basidiospores were described as being possible airborne allergens and were linked to asthma in 1969.
The agencies looked to see if the blood contained antibodies to the protein in the corn that was considered the possible allergen.
Tests expose you to possible allergens to see which ones cause a reaction.
Tests include placing possible allergens on the skin and looking for a reaction such as swelling and blood tests to look for an allergen-specific IgE.
House interrupts a procedure to question Melinda about possible allergens, and they learn that the antibiotic that Dan was on was not penicillin.
Avoiding possible allergens that cause a rash or make a rash worse.
Blood testing is another way to test for allergies; however, it poses the same disadvantage and only detects IgE allergens and does not work for every possible allergen.
Treatment for AD includes avoidance of the offending allergens if possible, but for most dogs this is not practical or effective.
Similarly, its products will gain and not lose by being accurately labelled, so that the public is warned of possible allergens.