Quentin reports on a possible human ancestor, beautiful genomes and what happened to all the gold on - or in - Earth.
Paschatherium is a possible ancestor of our modern elephants, sea cows and hydraxes.
The possible ancestors of the land plants are also known as brittleworts or skunkweed.
Thought to be a possible ancestor of the T-Rex.
It was more evidence of the species as a possible direct ancestor of the Homo genus.
The family Peramuridae is a possible ancestor of early therians.
It was once considered as a possible ancestor to the scaphopods, but this no longer seems tenable.
It contains the genus Ibyka which is a possible ancestor to horsetails.
So a fully developed plum pudding recipe could be derived from the above list of possible ancestors by some recombination.
The species is considered a possible ancestor to the modern giraffe, Giraffa camelopardalis.