Mrs. Michetti said she wanted Rachel, who is 2 years old, to see it before its possible closing.
But in January, he decided to keep the fund open, citing complaints about the possible closing from investors.
This year, 20 schools were identified for possible closing.
On the campuses mentioned for possible closing, the news has been received with disbelief.
Last night, about 500 residents gathered in front of the station house on Union street to protest the possible closing.
The schools are among 20 elementary and middle schools identified for possible closing.
Kmart has been evaluating its 1,800 discount stores for several weeks to decide on possible closings.
When word of a possible closing coursed through here four years ago, despair settled over the region like a deep fog.
Storylines also center around the possible closing of the firehouse where Tommy and the crew work.
Although officials have discussed the possible closing of two dozen firehouses at night, that measure was not part of the most recent list under consideration.