The petitioner also sought a court order to prevent possible deportation of Akhtar to another country.
But after 18 months, with their names and addresses in the hands of the authorities, they become subject to possible deportation.
But Switzerland refused to accept him and he now faces possible deportation to the Soviet Union.
Ellis faced felony charges and possible deportation to his native Jamaica.
After taking nearly 100 of those present to police headquarters for questioning, 50 men and 2 women were held for possible deportation as "undesirable aliens."
Travel without such permission is likely to result in detention and possible deportation.
Mr. Vargas, who is around 70, must now face immigration charges and possible deportation to a country where he has not lived since 1969.
He was denied asylum last year and has since been in Federal custody pending possible deportation.
Minor crimes, such as shoplifting, became grounds for possible deportation.
Probert still faces possible deportation, but the Red Wings have said they will take him back if he can solve his problems.