At the same time, officials are warning businesses that they face possible disruptions in the natural gas supply in some states this winter.
The fear of a possible disruption in supply came amid signs that demand was picking up.
In this connection the question of possible disruption of public finances must obviously be a very material one.
El Al said it had taken precautions to protect the company site and warned of possible disruptions to its online activity.
Authorities warn of possible future disruptions and advise conservation as work continues to restore power to the entire grid.
While she is concerned about a possible disruption in training, Heinrichs also said her team needed a day off before facing Sweden.
A teacher may invoke the new rule of raising hands to speak to ensure that the lesson is taught with least possible disruption.
"The public should be aware of possible disruption to transport."
This would also eliminate the risk of a possible disruption of supply from one direction affecting the whole country.