James, perhaps thinking of his imminent entry into the Thatcher Institute and the possible eavesdroppers on this conversation, said nothing.
Then he gave up any pretense of trying to make possible eavesdroppers think he was relating a tale told to him by someone else.
He scanned the room as if searching for possible eavesdroppers.
She took a quick look around for possible eavesdroppers.
She and John had decided that Joe ought to be told, whatever the possible eavesdroppers might make of the information.
It was bare because he wished to have no cover for any possible eavesdropper or spy.
They called the defenders of the asteroid base "the enemy" to confuse any possible eavesdroppers.
The three of us were now out of earshot of all possible eavesdroppers.
By secure communications, one has to understand that the contents of the message transmitted are inaccessible to possible eavesdroppers.
Sarah closed the door but remained standing beside it to keep watch for any possible eavesdroppers.