In protecting sensitive areas, developers and homeowners see a risk in the possible elimination of desired sites to build homes.
Upon entering office as governor in early 2010, Republican Chris Christie began considering the possible elimination of this department.
As the winner, Claire did not take part in the Invention Test, and therefore escaped possible elimination.
The losing team is automatically sent to the Arena, and faces possible elimination.
Because the force has had little arduous work to do, it has been a target for possible elimination by the Pentagon for several years.
The quickest possible elimination of this deficit is the major policy tool to raise the national savings ratio.
That makes their continuing struggles and a possible first-round elimination all the more difficult to face.
Hydroxyzine should be administered carefully in the elderly with consideration given to possible reduced elimination.
Indeed, the possible elimination of European tobacco in order to contribute to the fight against cancer is totally irrelevant.
The potential reductions and possible elimination of programs would have a chilling effect on higher education, said university administrators.