Time Warner, AT&T and Comcast are all viewed as possible entrants to the battle.
However, as many as eighteen works have been cited as possible entrants.
Interest in Soviet Union Schramm even suggested a possible entrant in the Soviet Union.
A possible entrant was the French designed VFIW assault rifle.
Dr. Schultz said that they had decided early on to call it a challenge rather than a competition because there were simply too few possible entrants.
The other seven entrants were confirmed on 24 September, matching the players who were mooted by the organisers during the launch as possible entrants.
This barrier to entry reduces the number of possible entrants into the industry regardless of the earning of the corporations within.
Japan is also a possible entrant.
Present competitors, suppliers, buyers possible entrants, substitutes.
Organizers felt the lack of possible entrants and the high cost of building the run were sufficient deterrents to leave the bobsled events off the 1960 Olympic program.