Now, a historical matter of far less immediacy is at issue; and while President Bush's political prospects might be affected, nothing suggests his possible impeachment.
Motahari has tried to summon Ahmadinejad to parliament to face questioning and possible impeachment.
But now, as two Federal judges face possible impeachment, a debate is under way on Capitol Hill over whether the procedures make sense today.
The judge, who is black and faces possible impeachment, has filed a report in Congress saying the disciplinary procedure used against him is biased.
In speaking to a young Missouri man, writer mentioned possible impeachment.
But he sent the prosecutor's case on to Congress, the first step in a possible impeachment.
Though it is largely believed that he gave up his judgeship due to corruption charges against him and possible impeachment for the same.
Legislators in Mecham's own party began facing his possible impeachment.
Republicans in Congress talked about possible impeachment of Judge Baer.
Until a few days ago, the possible impeachment of President Clinton was the campaign issue of which few dared speak.