If visitors are caught in breach of their immigration status they may face severe fines or possible imprisonment.
These restaurants received an order, with a warning that using the equipment would be a misdemeanor subjecting offenders to possible imprisonment.
Those found over the limit face a fine and possible imprisonment.
However, as a Christian he warned other against attacks or possible imprisonments, and he sometimes visited prisoners.
If found guilty, Eastern faces large fines, and some current or former executives face possible imprisonment.
If you attempt to bring khat back to the United States, you risk heavy fines and possible imprisonment.
Once back in East Germany, holders of stamped passports face possible imprisonment.
The bill would also have subjected nurses and other healthcare workers to fines and possible imprisonment for failing to report suspected violations of the law.
Both men came to convince him that it would be acceptable for him to conform to the established church rather than deal with possible imprisonment.
Penalties include fines, license suspension, and possible imprisonment.