There are means, incredibly elaborate, to test and purify possible members before they even realize the society exists.
He did not shy away from talking about possible members of a McCain cabinet.
Sir, I have had people call claiming to be every possible member of her family and ask for her.
Keays was impressed and considered them for possible new members.
They have been considered possible members of the Cercozoa, but at present their relationship to other protists is uncertain.
Political factions use the media to influence possible members into joining their groups.
And that music director will probably be one of the names listed above as possible members of a directorate.
The Palau football federation was being considered as a possible future member of the association in 2009.
Gliese 440 may be a member of the Wolf 219 moving group, which has seven possible members.
A candidate for being a possible member of his family line is Semerkhet.