Within each level of the Party, there was a cap on the highest possible rank one could achieve.
Thus, the highest possible rank in each level of the Party was as follows:
The active life of a warrior is rather short so they have to gain all possible ranks in a short time.
In 826, he created her Guifei - the highest possible rank for an imperial consort.
Her rank of Shufei was the fourth highest possible rank for imperial consorts at the time.
He later joined the colonial police force during the British military administration of Somalia, rising to the highest possible rank.
He learned to be a captain, at the lowest possible rank.
The highest possible rank within this career bracket is that of Erster Hauptkommissar.
In Shōrin-ryū, one possible rank (belt) progression is listed below: There are many others.
The player's performance in each stage is rated by a letter grade, with "D" being the lowest possible rank and S being the highest.