Justice Anne Rafferty adjourned the case without explanation on Tuesday and sent jurors home with instructions to remain in touch for any possible resumption.
At several Managua radio stations, reporters have also begun to discuss the possible resumption of news programs that were ordered off the air when the Government imposed a state of emergency in 1982.
These measures usually led to sufficient improvement in the country's external accounts to make possible the resumption of loans to Turkey by foreign creditors.
But he added, "They would express an earnest desire to see the earliest possible resumption of dialogue."
He hinted of a possible resumption of the civil war if it was decided that his party had lost.
Sentiment in the town is mixed regarding possible resumption of extensive mining operations.
This rail line ceased operation in 2010, however the track and right of way remain intact for a possible future resumption of service.
As of August 2011, the city of Santa Fe was in discussions with Great Lakes Airlines concerning the possible resumption of turboprop passenger service to Denver.
President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has said he will visit North Korea next month, and Japan is negotiating a possible resumption of relations.
A Chinese underground blast on Oct. 5, 1993, prompted President Clinton to order the Energy Department to prepare for a possible resumption of American underground testing.