Steel and shipping officials now fear a possible shortage of sailors this summer.
But with Treasuries being hoarded ahead of a possible shortage, the rates on the bonds no longer represent a good comparison.
Traders and analysts said there were widespread concerns about possible shortages of refinery capacity.
Earlier that morning, the most pressing concern for the America's Kids day-care center had been a possible shortage of milk.
Everything about the place looked tidy and efficient and spoke of a possible shortage of funds.
We had a bit of a chat about possible shortages.
It alerted transit officials to a possible shortage of supervisors, he said, adding that the agency was investigating the problem.
Lower inventories of heating fuel this winter could leave the region even more vulnerable to price volatility and possible shortages.
Times are tough and few computer makers wish to spend now to avert a possible future shortage.
During the gulf crisis in 1990-91, prices remained high for several months in anticipation of possible shortages once the fighting started.