Prudence dictates taking steps now to minimize the possible shortfall.
It involves the allocation of one customer's payment to another in order to make the books balance and often in order to detract from a possible shortfall.
The worry among Bush supporters over possible financial shortfalls is a remarkable reversal of fortune.
Petroleum and natural gas futures bolted higher Friday after Russian officials said they were suspending some oil export licenses because of a possible domestic shortfall.
Nevertheless, an "adjustment" charge was also added, ostensibly against a possible unexpected shortfall.
"We knew in March that we were looking at a possible shortfall in the range of $850,000," said Bernard Goodman, assistant park superintendent.
It is advisable to seek an indemnity from the other party against any possible shortfall.
The announcement, though, included few details about the possible shortfall or whether it would affect profits.
"States that come to rely on the Federal promise to provide vaccine must be protected against possible shortfalls."
The city did not make clear last night how it arrived at its reckoning of a possible $2 billion shortfall.