Allen created an account on Myspace and began posting demos in November 2005.
Using the social networking site, the band posted demos they recorded in their basement rehearsal space.
In the fall of 2012, Matt began posting demos on Soundcloud and Facebook for his new solo project - Transendent 7.
By November the tour had sold out while the band posted demos of new songs on their official website.
James created an account on MySpace and began posting demos in November 2007.
The EP features three songs, two of which he has posted demos for, and four remixes.
They're also working on a full length album and have posted demos on their website.
Following Team Sleep's first release, the band toured and began posting various demos on their MySpace page.
Allen then created an account on MySpace and began posting demos that she recorded in November 2005.
The new group have posted demos on their official myspace and have toured with Sevendust.