Without the charge, the company said, it would have posted net income of $82 million for the quarter.
In the second quarter of 1994, the company posted net income of $516.5 million, or $1.04 a share.
In the quarter a year earlier, Crazy Eddie posted net income of $3.7 million.
Traders, however, pushed down prices of stocks that posted net income below expectations.
Overall sales grew 0.5 percent in the quarter, to $14.48 billion, but Sony posted net income of a $352 million.
The company posted net income of $487 million, or 55 cents for each diluted share, in the fourth quarter.
The company posted net income of $191 million for the quarter, compared with $277 million a year earlier.
The company also posted income of $106 million from refining, marketing and transportation operations.
Exxon was unusual among major oil companies in posting higher income for the quarter.
Despite its recent problems, Halliburton posted record revenue, net income and margins last year.