The third exhibition, titled "Untitled," epitomizes domestic post modernism.
In all, he was there for eleven years during which time he developed and tutored first, second and third year courses in a wide variety of subjects including the short story, creative writing, film studies, post modernism, global image, aesthetics, and modernism.
I have no affection whatsoever for post modernism.
As a characterization of the appreciation of art, post modernism is a mistaken view because we don't have a case of anything goes.
If post modernism is a critical theory with the working class written off, then post-modernization is authoritarian corporatist administration of urban issues with the working class written out.
Contemporary styles from 2000 onwards include post modernism, modernism and pop architecture.
I've waded through classics, post modernism, Booker prizes and magic realism but these two stand out as masters of their genre.
IT has been part of the creation of so called post modernism, through its ability to destroy the meaning of time and space.
With the democratization of the 1990s, Minjung art started losing their concrete aim and became part of the mainstream - post modernism.
Today, I'd like to see the city rescued from the suburban rage for safety that post modernism ushered in.