While his name had been bruited for the post of Governor General to succeed the Duke of Alba, it was the older Requeséns who received it.
The first to hold the post of Governor General was Gustaf Otto Stenbock, between 1658 to 1664.
The post of Governor General was abolished in 1963 and replaced by a non-executive president, a post that Mutesa held.
Between December 1855 and April 1856, he held the post of Governor General of Kronstadt and then retired.
He held the seat until 1935, when he resigned to take up the post of Governor General of Canada.
However, with the SLP's election victory the next year, Sir George retired from the post of Governor General on August 31, 1997.
In 1880 Totleben held the post of Governor General of Vilna, and after much suffering he died at Bad Soden near Frankfurt am Main.
In 1610, the VOC established the post of Governor General to more firmly control their affairs in Asia.
Matthews was considered for the post of Governor General but his strong party allegiance precluded him.
The post of Governor General was abolished with the attainment of republican status and replaced by a non-executive President, a post first held by Mutesa.