If the referendum had passed, the post of president would have replaced the Governor-General representing Elizabeth II as head of state.
The posts replace the studs commonly used in the more familiar platform framing construction techniques people see in housing.
A hooded post front sight, replacing the blade on previous weapons.
The post of the Talati replaced that of the Kulkarni which no longer exists in Gujarat and Maharashtra.
Under this constitution, the post of premier replaced that of chief minister as head of government.
The post Napoleonic fortifications had replaced older walls stemming from the Middle Ages.
A British post, it replaced the French Fort Duquesne in 1758.
This post actually replaced an early armory, constructed and utilized in the late 1790s which was located on the site of, the then demolished, Fort Stanwix.
But, during the reign of Mehmet IV (1648-1687), reisülküttap (literally the chief of clerks) a previously subordinate post of Nisanci, replaced nisancı in foreign office.
The new post will replace that of the old General Secretary.