Well, he posted the finished text to his publishers from Istanbul about three weeks after he arrived there.
And as we ask the questions of Steve, I post the entire text of the question in there.
Update: Apple has now posted the text of the letter to its PR page.
Dozens of anonymous translators have posted the text on Web sites.
You must like this post Peter, you posted exactly the same text yesterday.
The book's website saw this as newsworthy and accepted the designation gracefully, even posting the text of the review.
Starwars.com has posted the text from the book's dust jacket.
Since the artist hasn't posted the text of the books on his blog (!)
Posting the text of major legislation and amendments on the internet to allow Members and the public adequate time for review prior to votes.
But Righthaven has also gone after many sites that posted the complete text of a newspaper article, something far less likely to be seen as fair use.